Thursday, May 24, 2012

8th Gade Social Studies Web Quest

Our social studies teacher, Ms. Evans, had her students compelte a webquest.

Below are the tasks required of the project:

Task: You and two other group members will research the underground railroad by examining primary source documents and various web pages to understand the hardships and steps involved on the journey to freedom. 

-You must choose a specific role to guide you on your research path. 

-Each group member individually will tell a part of the story of a slave wishing to escape, their journey to freedom and their life after escape. 

-You must agree on the general information of your slave (like age, name, plantation location).

The life of the slave, the "railroad journey" and the life after escape should all be based on historical facts. 

-You must have a final collaborative product that reflects the three parts of the research (life as a slave, railroad journey, and life after escape).


Here are two examples of the compelted projects

died_in_your_arms_finished_project_Kortney.wav Listen on Posterous


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