Thursday, May 24, 2012

8th Gade Social Studies Web Quest

Our social studies teacher, Ms. Evans, had her students compelte a webquest.

Below are the tasks required of the project:

Task: You and two other group members will research the underground railroad by examining primary source documents and various web pages to understand the hardships and steps involved on the journey to freedom. 

-You must choose a specific role to guide you on your research path. 

-Each group member individually will tell a part of the story of a slave wishing to escape, their journey to freedom and their life after escape. 

-You must agree on the general information of your slave (like age, name, plantation location).

The life of the slave, the "railroad journey" and the life after escape should all be based on historical facts. 

-You must have a final collaborative product that reflects the three parts of the research (life as a slave, railroad journey, and life after escape).


Here are two examples of the compelted projects

died_in_your_arms_finished_project_Kortney.wav Listen on Posterous


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FACS: World Foods Project

INTRODUCTION:  You are a travel agent. A client wants to take a trip to another country, but doesn’t know where to go, what type of foods to expect, or proper etiquette.  You have been asked to research an assigned country and make a presentation to the client.


Greece.wmv Watch on Posterous





·        prepare one of the End Products

·        present what you have learned to the class

·         prepare a recipe from another country 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Orchestra Concert presents: The Classics

If you missed the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of our 7th and 8th grade Orchestra performance you can enjoy the recordings here.


From our 7th grade student orchestra:

Habanera (from Caremen suite #2) 

Beethoven,_Inc..m4a Listen on Posterous


Allegretto (from Symphony No. 7)

Habanera_.m4a Listen on Posterous



Beethoven, Inc.

Allegretto.m4a Listen on Posterous



From our 8th grade Orchestra:


Serenade No. 9 "Posthorn"

Serenade_No_9_Posthorn.m4a Listen on Posterous


Themes from The Moldan

Themes_from_The_Moldan.m4a Listen on Posterous


Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates_of_the_Caribean.m4a Listen on Posterous


And the grand finale from our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestras:

Dance of the Harlequins

Combined_6th_7th_8th_Orchestras_perform_Dance_of_the_Harlequins.m4a Listen on Posterous

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Art studio video gallery walk

A tour of the Art studio set up for or Festival of Fine Arts. Enjoy the student creations of our Middle school students displayed for one day only. In order to share the experience we created this video gallery walk  to share the art with those who did not get the opportunity to see it in person. This video walk is also a wonderful opportunity to extend the length of enjoyment we get from our student art work.