Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Still Life Drawing


8th Graders just completed their Still Life in Pencil drawings. They turned out great! You can see more of these skillful masterpieces by viewing the 8th grade gallery on my website. Here is a link:  http://www.webster.k12.mo.us/education/staff/staff.php?sectiondetailid=29887&...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Robotics Team Qualifies for FLL Eastern Missouri Championship

With great focus under pressure the first ever Hixson Robotics Team qualified for the Eastern Missouri Championship.  They will compete with the top 20 teams in the area on December 4th at Florissant Valley Community College. The pictures show students showcasing their project that won "Most Innovative Solution", as well as the robot challenge board.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

Haikus from our Creative writing Club

A Haiku is a Japanese poem that is 3 lines.  The first and third lines have 5 syllables and the second (middle) line has 7 syllables. Here are some that our students in the creative writing club, which meets Thursday's after school, have written and shared:


I was embarrassed.

I fell off my chair again.

I am such a clutz.




This is way too fast.

I think I’m going to be sick.

Wait!  We didn’t start?



The Pitch

Standing on the hill

Overlooking the whole world

I step and release.




Buzzing cars and crowd

Suffocated in nothing

Lights flicker above



The Night War

The cosmos gleaming

I watch the battle above

A flash, then nothing



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aboriginal Pottery


  7th graders just completed their clay project. Students created designs and concentric circles, like the ones used by Australian Aborigines, using small dots of colored clay. A clear glaze was put on top to make the colors vivid and shiny.

See more on my website homepage